Looking for Something Else? Submit for Future Opportunities

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About the Role
Are you passionate about making a difference but haven’t yet found the perfect role in our current openings? Don’t worry—we still want to hear from you!

Join our Talent Pool and stay connected with WeMove Europe. By submitting your CV, you'll be part of our community and ensure we can consider you for future opportunities that align with your skills and aspirations.

Your dream job could be just around the corner, so don’t miss out on the chance to be among the first to know!

Please note that we can only process applications from candidates based in the European Union and applications submitted in English. 
About us

WeMove Europe is an international  campaigning organisation that seeks to build people power to transform Europe on issues that matter _ including climate emergencies, migrant rights, workers rights, better governance and more

At the centre of what we do are two key beliefs: that people hold the power to drive change, and that the Europe we live in today needs real, deep-rooted transformation so that its politics reflect the needs of people and planet rather than corporations and profit. 

When we all take action together we create something bigger than ourselves and build momentum for real political change. That is when politicians start listening to us, when big business feels the pressure, when hope becomes a reality. 
And when we become unstoppable!
Über uns

WeMove Europe ist einer internationalen Kampagnenorganisation, deren Ziel es ist, den Einfluss der Zivilbevölkerung zu stärken, um für ein besseres Europa zu kämpfen.

Im Zentrum unserer Arbeit stehen zwei Überzeugungen: die Bevölkerung hat die Macht Veränderungen zu bewirken und Europa braucht eine wahre, tiefgreifende Transformation - für die Politik muss das Wohlergehen des Menschen und des Planeten wichtiger sein als die Profite der Konzerne.

Wenn wir gemeinsam handeln, können wir Großes erreichen und ein Momentum wirken - für einen echten politischen Wandel. Dies wird deutlich, wenn Politiker*innen anfangen, uns zuzuhören, wenn große Unternehmen Druck spüren, wenn Hoffnung Wirklichkeit wird und wir unaufhaltsam werden!

Thank you for your interest in WeMove Europe! 
To apply, please fill out the following short form and submit your documents in English*.

Should you have any difficulties with the upload of your data, please send an email to work@wemove.eu.

We are looking forward to hearing from you!

* Please note that we will not process applications sent in other languages than English.
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